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for people with


autism spectrum disorder


We regret to inform you that for an as yet undetermined period our clinic no longer offers ASD assessment services for patients over 12 years old.

Be sure to read all instructions on this HOME page and the IMPORTANT page before beginning the registration process. If conditions are not met, your application may encounter difficulties or be refused.
NOTICE TO PERSONS REGISTERED FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR: A software malfunction has occurred. If you received the archiving email for your file from us, please write to us once at [email protected] of your interest in maintaining the evaluation request. When your request is processed, you will receive an email from the clinic. Make sure you have our email address in your contacts. Do not leave a telephone message. We are currently seeing people registered for fall 2022. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by this bug. We thank you for your indulgence.

The secretariat is currently closed and only written communications are processed by our clinicians.

All communications from cevam are currently by email. Please make sure to include [email protected] in your contacts and check your spam from time to time.

Requests for evaluation can only be made by creating an account on the CEVAM website ("Create an Account" in the purple box on the left). Requests are made by patients or their families who must have a valid medical request (see below). Health care professionals wishing to represent their patients in requesting assessments and answering questionnaires must obtain written consent and cooperation from the patient, parental authority or legal representative. Medical requests alone received directly at CEVAM by fax or email cannot constitute a file opening.

In the case of a minor patient, all persons sharing parental authority must be informed and consent to the assessment process. In the event of parental separation, written authorization from the parent not participating in the assessment may be required to confirm consent.

Assessments are done for children from 2 years and a half to 12 years old of age and that are covered by the Régie de l'assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ), children throughout Quebec WHO HAVE A VALID HEALTH INSURANCE CARD. The cost of this evaluation is covered by the RAMQ under this condition only. Individuals who do not have a health insurance card or whose health insurance number has expired cannot request an evaluation from the CEVAM. 
No records will be accepted for patients under the age of 2 years (24 months). Health care professionals, please do not provide medical requests for children under 2 years and a half of age.

LANGUAGE OF ASSESSMENT: CEVAM conducts assessments in English and French. The language used at the time of registration by the patient or his/her representatives will be the language in which the file is processed and the medical assessment will be conducted.
VERY IMPORTANT: The language selection must be made BEFORE starting the registration (choose English in the upper right corner of the screen).

MANDATORY MEDICAL REFERENCE: You must have your medical reference in your possession. This must be addressed to a psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, or specifically to CEVAM, with the following information;  

  • The full name of the person to be assessed, their medicare number and their date of birth,

  • The referral must clearly state: " PSYCHIATRIC ASSESSMENT FOR ASD ",

  •  IMPORTANT: List the presence of major clinical signs suggestive of ASD,

  • Significant history, if relevant,

  • The full legible name of the physician requesting the assessment, their signature and license number.

If the medical reference is not valid, the evaluation request may not be accepted. To register on our site, you must have the medical request on a computerized document (pdf type, image, photo) in order to include it as an attached document in the registration process.
Medical referrals made by a Nurse Practitioner Specialist are accepted provided that the Nurse Practitioner Specialist's full legible name and practice number are listed.

RELEVANT DOCUMENTS: You will be asked to upload to the file all relevant and available professional assessments, especially those conducted during childhood. Any available records of assessments by psychologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, as well as observations by educators and teachers, and other relevant documents must be attached to the file.

The health professionals who request the evaluation and answer the questionnaires with the patients or their families will have to upload to the file a written document attesting to the consent and collaboration of the patient, the parental authority or the legal representative.

ACCOMPAGNIST : he questionnaires include many questions referring to the 4-5 year old period. At the first clinical appointment, the patient must be accompanied by a person who knew him/her intimately at the age of 4-5 years. It will not be possible to proceed with an ASD assessment if this condition is not met.

REGISTRATION ON THE WEB SITE: Via the access box to the personalized space, click on "New File". You will be asked for your email address. You will then receive the link by email "Create your Access" to create your password. The password must have the following security features: Must be at least 12 characters long with at least one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character. You will then be able to access "My CEVAM space" where you will find the questionnaires to fill out. For adult patients, remember that someone who knows you very well at a young age should answer some questions for you.

As soon as you begin to fill out the questionnaires, you will enter the waiting list.

Once you reach the developmental history stage, you must not stop or you will not have access to the SCQ or M-CHAT form, so if you do not think you will complete the file, stop before completing this stage. Once you have completed the questionnaires, your file will be in the "Pending Validation" stage until the clinical team is ready to analyze it. Your access to the history questionnaire will be maintained until your file is analyzed by our team. You will be able to return to the questionnaire to clarify your answers or add documents in the early stages of the process. You will be able to follow the progress of your patient file (PF) on "My CEVAM space".

However, the M-CHAT/SCQ questionnaire can only be taken once. Once you have completed this questionnaire, you will no longer have access to it. *The SCQ should be completed by someone who knew the patient very well when he or she was 4-5 years old.

WAITING LIST: The waiting time varies depending on the flow of requests, the age of the patient and the particulars of the file. When you finish answering the questionnaires, the file will go to the "pending validation" stage. Currently the waiting list is approximately 20 months before the file is validated. Please add [email protected] to your email contacts to avoid our emails going to your spam, promotions or updates folder. The invitation to the appointment will be made by phone.

AVOID PROBLEMS:  Be sure to read all instructions on this HOME page and the IMPORTANT page before beginning the registration process. If conditions are not met, your application may encounter difficulties or be refused.

 Any person using the functionalities of the CEVAM site is deemed to have read and accepted the terms and conditions of use (TCU) described in the TCU tab.

The CEVAM Team