Frequently asked questions
If I am available on very short notice for an evaluation at CEVAM, how can I take advantage of this opportunity?
On the first registration page, under the question "Features affecting appointment scheduling", select "Availability for evaluation with less than 48 hours notice". If you have already completed your application, and are still in the "In Progress" or "Pending Validation" stages, you can make the selection. If you are at another stage and have not yet had your first appointment, you can write to [email protected] to notify the secretariat directly.
I won't be able to come to my appointment, or I will be late and I don't want to be penalized...
Inform the secretariat immediately at [email protected] so that another patient can be evaluated, OR call immediately at 514-894-3969
When I create my password, I get an error message...
The password must have the following security features: Must be at least 12 characters long with at least one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character.
When I get to the bottom of the first registration page and go to Next, an error message appears...
The time limit has expired. Return to the registration page, refresh the page and start over.
Can I do my registration in several steps?
YES. Your registration date is the date you complete the first page. Each time you click "Next" at the bottom of the page, the information is saved in your file. You will be able to return to your registration via your CEVAM Space as long as the file is in the "In progress" or "Pending validation" stage by clicking on the file number in yellow. Afterwards, when the file is in the "Validated" stage, it will no longer be possible to make changes. The file number will then be in purple.
I receive e-mails from CEVAM in a language other than the one in which I would like to take the assessment...
Your preferred language was not selected at the start of registration. Send a request to change your language preference to [email protected].
The appointment time listed on the invitation email is suspicious... It differs from what was announced to me, or is outside the clinic's opening hours...
Make sure your computer is set to UTC-5 (North American Eastern Standard Time), otherwise the appointment times listed in the invitation emails may not match.
You can contact [email protected] to verify.
I am waiting for my CEVAM Final Report... Why don't I receive the transmission email?
Check in your CEVAM Space at which stage your Patient File is rendered. It is at the "FR sent" stage that the transmission email is sent. If you still haven't received the email, check your spam. If you are on your Patient Area and you do not see your patient file, it is possible that you have created 2 users with different email addresses and that you are not on the right session. Please be careful about the use of upper and lower case letters when you write your email address.
I received the email, but the retrieval link is not functional OR I get to My CEVAM space, but the report does not appear...
You must use a computer to use the recovery link. The cell phone cannot access it. Make sure you are logged out before using the CEVAM Report recovery link. If the link does not work from your computer, wait 24 hours and try again.
If after following these instructions the problem is not resolved, contact [email protected] to communicate with the IT manager. Remember to clearly indicate the patient's first and last name and date of birth in the title of the email. Provide a clear description of the problem and include screenshots if necessary.